Saturday, February 12, 2011

I like my new Portable Kitchen PK 99740 Cast aluminum grill and smoker

Portable Kitchen PK 99740 Cast Aluminum Grill and SmokerI was looking for a new charcoal grill to replace my old one. After I read reviews on the internet about the Portable Kitchen PK 99740 Cast Aluminum Grill, I decided to buy it on Amazon, where is offer me a low price and free shipping.

The delivery time is very quickly, I received my portable charcoal grill in two days. It came in wonderful condition – I have to say thank you to a seller and a local post.

Its build quality is outstanding. Apart from that, I like the design that I can easily cook directly over the coals or indirectly. I think it uses less charcoal than my old grill that is a great efficient.

Cooking with the Portable Kitchen charcoal grill is the easiest way. I just set a whole chicken in a ceramic pan with about two dozens of charcoal briquettes. Then, waiting for two hours and you’ll get a great result. My children love my cooking so much.

By the reasons mentioned above, I’m sure that it will be the best cooker I have ever bought. 

You can learn more or get a price on it at Amazon on their Portable Kitchen PK 99740 Cast Aluminum Grill and Smoker page. 

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